Reconstruction of the Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics
Museum of Cosmonautics is located in the North-end of the stylobate of the monument to «Outer Space Conquerors». Main task of the museum complex is to show key points in the history of the outer space conquest. Since a display area and utility premises are extremely scarce, the museum and the territory adjacent to it, including the Alley of the Heroes of the outer space, are being reconstructed. The museum is being expanded through the maximally possible use of space under the monument. Design solutions provide for maximal preservation and restoration of the available interior and exhibits.
I. Biryukov. Renovation of Marfo-Mariinsky Convent of Mercy: Revival of Spiritual Connection of Times
Under present-day conditions a demand for strengthening of traditional self-consciousness of people, revival of spiritual and ethical values is strongly felt in Russia. Throughout the country new temples and chapels are being erected, available monasteries and churches are being restored and reconstructed. Institute «Mosproject-3» contributed to the process of spiritual revival. In particular, specialists of the institute were honored to fulfill repair and restoration works in a unique charity orthodox complex of the beginning of the XX-th century: Marfo-Mariinsky Convent of Mercy in Moscow.
À. Ter-Minasyan. Role of Architectural Monuments in Formation of the City Image
City concentrates inside itself not only the present, but also elements of the past, and provides not only for material environment of people, but also for environment where their mental development takes place. Monuments of architecture create inimitable coloring that identifies image traits of one or another city. Most important tasks include determination of a role played by an architectural monument in the city planning situation and arrangement of environment around it. The article analyses different approaches to issues of preservation and use of historical heritage applied in various
S. Yusufdzhanov. Mosques of Tajikistan: Second Birth
Since ancient times mosques have presented main architectural and cultural sight of cities and villages of Tajikistan. They played a role of a prayer house, a school and a public center. Historic mosques and madrasahs have been dynamically reconstructed and restored in the Republic lately. Together with this throughout Tajikistan, including for the first time in its Southern mountain regions, new mosques are being built, in the appearance of which traditional architectural elements and national ornaments are very well combined with modern construction
S. Rustambekov. Commemorative Museum Complex in Memory of Political Repression Victims «ALGIR»
Commemorative Museum Complex «ALGIR» was built 25 kilometers away from Astana in the village Akmol. The complex was built in the place where in 1937-1954 Akmol camp of parricides’ wives was located. A central place in the complex is taken by a flattened-cone building of the Museum in Memory of Political Repression Victims, the architectural appearance of which is associated with traditional sacral structures of the Central Asia and Kazakhstan. A final element of the memorial complex is the Wall of Memory, on which names of camp prisoners are carved on black granite.
I. Monakhova. Monuments to N.V. Gogol in Moscow
Monuments connected with the name of N.V. Gogol were installed in Moscow in different years. These statues tell people in their «monumental» language what different generations of his readers thought about Gogol, what aspects of his creative work, nature and fate were most interesting, clear and close to them. At the example of monuments to Gogol created by sculptors N.A. Andreev and N.V. Tomsky it is possible to see the difference of public disposition and perception of the writer’s personality and his creative work depending on the epoch.
V. Meschangin. Vyacheslav Klykov. History in Sculpture
V.M. Klykov was an artist of distinctive talent and at the same time one of the leading masters of traditionalism in Russian school of sculpture. He created dozens of images of poets, writers, workers of culture, scientists, enlighteners, saints, warriors. A national-historic topic was his favorite. Practically each work of the sculptor is a considerable contribution to the preservation of historic memory. Klykov’s pieces are kept in many museums of the country, including in the National Tretyakov Gallery and the Russian Museum, they decorate many cities of Russia and foreign states.
K. Balyan. 100-Year Anniversary of the People’s Architect Rafael Israelyan
Rafael Israelyan is known in Armenian architecture as an immediate successor of Alexander Tamanyan. He continued revival of the national art of building. He looked at the architectural process not as at exceptionally utilitarian, but deeply spiritual, capable of expressing a national idea and reviving self-consciousness of people. He constantly turned to heroic and tragic pages of the history of Armenia. His most significant projects include Monument of Victory and cellars complex of the trust «Ararat» in Erevan, Charents Arch and a museum that is part of the memorial ensemble Sardarapat.
Museum Show of Erwin Wurm in Moscow
In summer 2008 Moscow Central House of Artists, gallery «Regina» and gallery «Krinzinger» with support of the International Confederation of Unions of Artists presented to audience one of the most well known modern artists – an Austrian Erwin Wurm. Works of Wurm gained wide acceptance in the 1990-ies when new intonations appeared in criticism of the consumer society. A viewpoint of Wurm has a special «psychoanalytic» humor, with the help of which the sculptor unobtrusively opens to the society his real state. Personal shows of E. Wurm were arranged in New-York, Helsinki, Cincinnati, Vienna, Hamburg.
M. Terekhovich. Modern Mosaics
In the beginning of April 2008 in the Designing Center ARTPLAY the first international show of modern mosaics of leading Italian and Russian masters took place. It displayed a wide range of options ancient techniques offered. They include sanctified with the multi-age tradition narrative compositions for temples, exquisite minimalist mosaics for private and office architecture, decorative sculptures with smalto surface finish, and plastic experiments opening new prospects. Author of the idea and person who arranged for the show is entrepreneur Ismail Akhmetov.
À. Mukhatova. Atabally Kichikuliev. To the Memory of the Artist
Atabally Kichikuliev is one of the best Turkmenian artists of the last third of the XX-th century – beginning of the XXI-st century. Already in his first pieces A. Kichikuliev declared himself as an extraordinarily delicate colorist and a sensitive psychologist. He was able to create a fairy-tale from any everyday story. Inexhaustible source of inspiration for the artist were carpets and textile. Atabally Kichikuliev developed age-old Turkmenian traditions of art to create his own principle of style. His painterly findings proceed from ancient forms of national art, from the spirit of national image thinking.
V. Gerasimov. A.L. Shanyavsky and the University Named After Him
A.L. Shanyavsky had lots of talents. He did well at state service and in entrepreneurial activities. During many years he and his spouse were engaged in charity activities. Thanks to donations of the Shanyavskys’ couple several educational institutions were established, the most well known and significant among them being Moscow City Popular University: first higher educational institution in the country built on the principles of self-administration. The building, in which University named after A.L. Shanyavsky was located, is now one of the premises of the Russian State University for the Humanities.
Î. Maksimov. «World as Seen with Architects’ Eyes»
In winter 2008 in the Centre for Architecture and Construction «Dom na Brestskoy» show «World as Seen with Architects’ Eyes» took place for the sixth time. One hundred forty participants presented their paintings, printmaking pieces, sculptures, works of ornamentally-applied art, and art photography. Drawings from nature help an architect to perceive tectonic regularities, to penetrate into the core of phenomena and characters, to study laws of formation, rhythm and plastics. There are many varieties of such drawings, which were demonstrated by the show «World as Seen with Architects’ Eyes».
M. Ozherelyeva. Maestro of Contrast. Postscript
The article is completing a series of materials devoted to many-sided talent of the largest Russian architect Nikolai Lvov. The author gives a description and provides pictures of three structures (churches in country estates Pereslegino, Teploye and Fedyaevo), in the architectural image of which a hand of Nikolai Lvov is distinctly seen, and cites reasoned arguments in favor of his authorship. At present all above said structures are in a ruined condition.
Yu. Nikitin. First Show of Construction Art in Russia
In spring 1908 at the initiative of the Civil Architects Society first International Construction Art Exhibition took place in Saint-Petersburg in Petrov town that was built for the occasion. Specialized firms from Austria, England, Germany, Denmark, Russia, USA, France, Sweden and other countries participated in the show of accomplishments. It was one of the largest and most significant shows in terms of its results that summarized achievements in the development of architectural engineering and industry of art in Russia over the XIX-th century.
L. Ter-Akopyan. Yaroslavl Anniversary Exhibition of Alexander Tamanyan
«Yaroslavl Anniversary Exhibition» is one of the most well known works of the Academician Alexander Tamanyan in the Russian period of his creative activities. The article tells about sources and principles of architectural solutions of the project. The basis for it is a study of volumetric and spatial forms of Russian fork art of wood construction, as well as archive materials of the author. For this work L. Ter-Akopyan was awarded a prize of the national competition «Design-2007» in the nomination «For Historical Scientific Analysis».
O. Suslova, À. Kolesov. Miussky Streetcar Depot. Revisiting an Issue of V.G. Shukhov’s Authorship
Interest shown to creative work of the great Russian engineer Vladimir Grigoryevich Shukhov is growing from year to year. Shukhov’s structures were ahead of their time. In terms of construction efficiency and lightness, variety of approaches to design of surface finish, towers and junctions Shukhov’s creations are still unequalled. The article cites results of the analysis of constructive specifics peculiar for a number of buildings located on the site of Miussky Streetcar (Trolleybus) Depot in Moscow that gives grounds to tell about V.G. Shukhov’s authorship.
À. Kischuk. Reconstruction of the Fortress Bip in the Mariental Park
In 1796 Paul I made his long-standing dream come true: on the site of the demure Mariental palace a castle-fortress Bip was built subject to the design of V.Brenna. Fortress Bip is a federal-level memorial of history and culture. Mariental Park that is running along the bank of Slavyanka river from the fortress to the Pavlovsky palace is a sample of garden and park art of the XVIII-th century. Works on implementation of the project on redevelopment of the historic site of the fortress Bip and part of Mariental Park are currently under way.
MARIPOSA: Embodiment of Dream
Southern part of the Tenerife island contains a peculiar place called Mariposa that in Spanish means a butterfly. This park was designed and is now created with an input from dozens of artists from different countries by Hans-Jurgen Muller and his wife Helga that not long ago were owners of a well known gallery of avant-garde art. According to their concept Mariposa is going to be a place for influential politicians, economists, scientists and men of art to discuss global problems of prime importance in their endeavor to find ways to solve them.
Ceramics in Architecture
In 2007 the journal «Architecture. Construction. Design» started publication of extracts from the book of Spanish architects «Moulding. Assembling. Design. Ceramics in Architecture». We continue introducing to our readers most interesting examples of ceramic tiles use in architecture and design. Today’s material is devoted to a description of four objects built in the last years in different European countries: residential houses in Ljubljana and Barcelona, the New Art Gallery Wallsol (England), and a country estate in Ciudad Real (Spain).
Å. Gordina. Cosmic Interior
The article tells about development of a super-modern and functional interior of an apartment, the space of which is just penetrated with cosmic allegory. The project is based on the idea of a big single space of the apartment. The set task was solved with a simple and refined planning solution – creation of an enfilade of living rooms along one wall and an enfilade of utility rooms along the other wall. An apartment, like a submarine, is divided into compartments with the help of acoustic interior partitions.
Festival of Architects-Downhill Skiers in Krasnoyarsk
From March 16 till March 22, 2008 Krasnoyarsk regional organization of the Union of Architects of Russia hosted a regular All-Russian Festival of Architects-Downhill Skiers. The event was attended by architects that go in for downhill skiing from Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Kemerovo, Ekaterinburg, Omsk, Yakutsk and other cities of Russia. The festival included design shows, master classes, round tables devoted to issues of the development of tourism and recreation zones, as well as sport events.
M. Terekhovich. Panorama of the Moscow International Art Show «Central House of Artists-2008»
In March the Eleventh International Show took place in Moscow Central House of Artists. It was hosted by Confederation of Unions of Artists with support of the Inter-State Foundation of Humanitarian Cooperation of CIS member states, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the RF, Ministry of Culture and Mass Communications of the RF, Federal Agency on Culture and Cinematography, and Russian Academy of Arts. The show presented expositions of national Unions of Artists, different galleries, clubs, associations, personal shows.
«I am walking out of the space into a desolated garden of
The article is devoted to creative work of the artist Vladimir Nasedkin, Honored Artist of Russia, participant and prize winner of international shows, competitions of black and white painting, and relevant art events, supervisor of international projects. Works of V. Nasedkin are presented in the National Tretyakov Gallery, other prestigious museums and collections in Russia and abroad. A range of interests of V. Nasedkin is extremely wide: painting, xylography, sculpture, architecture, design….
Dmitry Tsup. «Still I am happy… Recollections, Diaries, Letters»
An occasion to introduce to readers this publication is a 100-year anniversary of birth of an artist and black and white painter Dmitry Pavlovich Tsup (1908-1995). Son of emigrants that moved from the Ukraine to Manchzhuria, mechanic, repatriate into the USSR, student of the Academy of Arts, professor of the Penza Art School, political convicted, exiled, rehabilitated – these are landmarks of a dramatic life of Dmitry Tsup. Truthful, heartfelt and filled with human dignity narration presents invaluable evidence of the epoch.
Ì. Chervyakov. Formal and Metaphoric Properties of the Language of Artificial Light in Tectonic Architectural Images
The article describes universal properties of artificial lighting in architecture as information medium allowing for creation of art images of metaphoric and formal patterns. Visual lighting devices hide inside a huge potential that is not well enough used today. Perhaps, in future a language of light will reach a high priority level, allow for formulation of new tectonic principles, and contribute to modeling of new thinking structures.
M. Ozherelyeva. Ossian Romanticism of Garden and Park Ensembles of Nikolai Lvov
Interest of Nikolai Lvov to history and poetry of the ancients was sincerely deep. Principles of translation of Ossian songs were discussed by him and his friends at «Lvov and Derzhavin group» meetings. Poetics of Ossian landscapes had an impact on garden patterns created by the architect. Nature of Tver region where main part of his garden and park ensembles was preserved has a lot in common with nature of Scotland chanted by Ossian. The most impressive Ossian ensemble of Nikolai Lvov is the farmstead Vasilevo.
B. Kuspangaliev. Multifunctional Housing Estate "Apple Town"
At the II-nd Republican Show and Competition of Best Works of Architecture in the time period from 2003 to 2006 that took place in Almaty in September 2006, a gold medal in the nomination "Architecture. Design" was awarded to the design of a multifunctional housing estate "Apple Town" developed at the Center of Modern Architecture "AZD". The housing estate consisting of 5 to 35-story buildings located on the area of 27 hectares will be constructed in the western developing part of Almaty. This residential district was designed to fit 10 000 people, and was developed with regard to the city's rapid growth.
S. Salamzade. Right of Choice
In the architectural environment of Baku an issue of sporadic building in the city's historic center is most critical today. Changing of the city image is closely connected with a change of the social medium as a whole. A city is a living organism with its own metabolism. Besides it reflects historic processes. Architecture is always in congruence with certain living standards and levels of perception. The article touches upon some aspects of this problem that in the author's opinion is topical for other capitals of CIS states as well.
O. Dryomina. An Underground Palace in Goncharnaya Sloboda
Designing of some of the Moscow Metro stations started back in the years of the Second World War, however only several year after it became possible to implement the projects. Main subjects of works made by artists and sculptors that designed Metro stations of the Big Ring were connected with the victory and heroism of Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War. One of the best solutions of Metro stations was "Taganskaya Ring" station that was opened in 1950. It has a bright and memorable image that in spite of a wide use of applied art preserved its architectural purity.
A. Konstantinov. 60-th Anniversary of "Lenmetroproject"
Metro of Saint-Petersburg is the largest metropolitan railway of Russia after Moscow. It has about 60 stations and halls, hundreds of kilometers of tunnels, and lots of technological devices and equipment. A complex of the Metro buildings and structures became an integral part of an architectural image of the Northern capital. In the end of 40-ies - beginning of 50-ies of the last century best architects of the country were engaged in designing of Leningrad (Petersburg) metropolitan railway.
"...best acknowledgement for a sculptor"
A consultant on monumental art of the Moscow City Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning, Honored Architect of Russia A.K. Tikhonov told us what new monuments citizens of Moscow will see in the near future. They will include monuments to people of different professions that lived in different years of the past: prominent engineer V. Shukhov, Russian poets B. Pasternak and O. Mandelshtam, great storyteller Hans Kristian Andersen, General M. Skobelev, Academician A. Prokhorov, hero aviation pilots V. Chkalov and M. Vodopyanov, a many other well known figures of the world and home history and culture.
International Architectural Charity Foundation named after Iakov Chernikhov (ICIF)
Main areas of the ICIF foundation activities include support of experimental, educational and research initiatives in the field of innovative architecture and urban planning, encouragement of innovative concepts of young architects and architectural creative work of children. The Foundation arranges competitions, shows of works of Iakov Chernikhov and representatives of Russian architectural avant-guarde, including International awards of Iakov Chernikhov in the field of conceptual architecture.
Yu. Nikitin. Devoted to the 125-th Anniversary of the All-Russian Industrial and Art Show of 1882 in the City of Moscow
An All-Russian Industrial and Art Show of 1882 that took place in Moscow presented results of activities achieved by people of the empire over twelve years that had past since the previous similar show of 1870 that took place in Saint-Petersburg. The whole of Russia including remote provinces presented samples of local pieces of art. A total of 5813 people took part in the show. Its unique exposition included 6852 articles. The All-Russian Show of 1882 became a national festival that lasted for more than four months. It was visited by more than a million people.
M. Komarova. Old Scandinavian Style in Swedish Home Interior of 1860-1870: Revival of Traditions or a Free-Standing Artistic Phenomenon?
An Old Scandinavian style did not stay long in the culture of Sweden, but it left noticeable marks in all areas of applied art, and had a substantial impact on architecture. This style was developed by nationalistically minded men of culture from Sweden and Norway in the beginning of 1870-ies. The basis of it was made of constructive and decorative elements of early Norwegian churches, and ornaments of ancient monuments of decorative and applied art. The Old Scandinavian style was well pronounced in some of exclusive summer villas designed in 1870-ies and early 1880-ies.
V. Ustin. Poetry of the Place
When constructing cities people do not forget that they need to stay in contact with nature. They create special recreation zones within cities. Landscaping requires fulfillment of numerous functional requirements, a maximum of taste and an understanding of specific regularities of the development of an expressive landscape composition. We need to create not only useful, but also beautiful parking space that shall not be contending with environment, but organically "growing into" it, not spoiling, but complementing it.
A. Pivovarova. Architect of the Future: Man at the Computer?
In the area of building industry that architecture is very closely connected with, leading positions are being taken by digital technologies. Hence there is a serious problem connected with a dual nature of architecture: in addition to engineering and technological aspects, architectural shaping is determined by humanitarian, aesthetic, art, intuitive and many other factors that computer programs are unable to take into consideration. In this situation a role of architectural graphics that is directly connected with preservation of humanitarian fundamentals of the profession is increasing.
Panorama of the Moscow International Art Show "TsDKh-2007"
15 years ago, in spring 1992 International Confederation of Unions of Artists was established. In 1998 the Confederation began conducting its annual Moscow International Art Shows, and in March 2007 the Tenth Show was opened. While it was started out of merely pragmatic considerations - in order to assist artists of the former USSR to display their works in Moscow for sale - the Show came into its own and strengthened its constructive credo: to introduce works of artists from CIS and Baltic states to specialists and general public.
A. Kudryavtsev. Russian Civil Alphabet is Three Hundred Years Old (1706-1710)
In December 1706 during the Northern War (1700-1721), at the edict of Peter the Great a center on making drawings to the new Russian Alphabet was established at the headquarters of A. Menshikov. In March of the same year "Geometry" was published. It was the first book printed in letters of the Civil Alphabet. On January 29, 1710 Peter the Great approved a final version of symbols of the Civil Alphabet that was unique from the point of view of concept and style.
S. Makhlina. Vladimir Dukhovlinov. "Music of Surfaces"
A project called "Music of Surfaces" was presented by public organization "Saint-Petersburg Society "A-Z" at the Moscow International Show "TsDKh-2006". It captured a lot of attention. Oeuvre of Vladimir Dukhovlinov is known in Russia and abroad. His works are exhibited in the National Russian Museum, Museum of Non-Conformism, and other museums and private collections. Works of V. Dukhovlinov are distinguished by profound, serious and philosophic syntheses.
M. Ozherelyeva. "Starozhilovo". "Sokha"
The article tells about the history of manors "Starozhilovo" and "Sokha", and about a fate of their owner Pavel Pavlovich von Dervize, a famous horse breeder, Vice-President of the Ryazan Society of Horse Breeding Incentives. Manor "Starozhilovo" comprising of twelve units designed in a common style was built by architect Fedor Shekhtel from 1891 till 1897. In the same years a smaller manor called "Sokha" was constructed. It reminded a miniature copy of the palace Vaux le Viconte that with a high degree of probability was also created by F. Shekhtel.
M. Sonne-Frederiksen. Hotel Sotelia in Podcetrtek (Slovenia)
Hotel Sotelia was built in 2006 subject to the design of young Slovak architects from the bureau Enota. It is located not far from the border with Croatia at a thermal health resort called Terme Olimia near a natural reservoir that is warmed up by a hot well. Built according to traditions of organic architecture, the hotel Sotelia is consonant with the surrounding landscape, which gives a feeling of its complete unity with nature.
G. Shugaev. Jaypee Palace Hotel in Agra
In the very center of Agra not far from the mausoleum of Taj Mahal and Fort Agra that were included in UNESCO World Heritage List, one of the most impressive samples of modern Indian architecture was constructed. This is a five-star Jaypee Palace Hotel that was designed by an Indian architect Ramesh Khosla (ARCOP Group), winner of the Aga Khan Award for Architecture - the First Award Cycle for the Mughal Sheraton Hotel that was also built in Agra.
N. Konovalova. Minimal Space of Japanese Hotels
In Japan hotels are generally graded based on their spatial arrangement. According to this criterion West European hotels markedly differ from traditional Japanese hotels. In designing of new kinds and types of hotels their spatial characteristics are taken into account in the first place. Sources of such approach are rooted in the history of origination of first hotels in Japan, and their space arrangement with its tendency towards minimalism is to a great extent conditioned by traditions.
G. Shugaev. International Multi-Functional Complex in Harbin
Harbin International Conference and Exhibition Center was built in 2002-2003. It is located on the area of 63 hectares, with a total area amounting to 330 thousand square meters. This is a huge state-of-the-art structure that includes an exhibition center, lots of conference halls, shopping malls, a five-star hotel, and all kinds of sport facilities. The exhibition complex is the largest among constructions of such kind in the North-East of China in terms of area.
N. Obidnyak, V. Chertyk, I. Gnes. Recreation Center "Carpathian Pearl"
Boikovschina area located in the Ukrainian Carpathians is one of the main tourist ski mountaineering centers. Here at the entrance to the town of Slavsk, at a hillside by a transit motorway going from Lvov to Slavsk a recreational center "Carpathian Pearl" was built. Its territory hosts two hotel buildings, an ecologically clean electric boiler-house, sport grounds, open parking lots, elements of recreation development and landscaping, and small pieces of architectural art.
A. Zhuravlev. Alexander Belokon, People's Architect of Russia
Alexander Belokon, People's Architect of Russia, was the first in our country to develop design and construction of residential houses and public buildings from cast in-situ reinforced concrete. The subject of residential construction remained a dominant issue in the architect's creative activities throughout his whole life. Being one of the brightest domestic masters of the second half of the XX-th century, A.N. Belokon made a notable contribution to the development of Soviet and Russian architecture.
M. Sonne-Frederiksen, N. Atanova. International Show "DOMOTEX 2007"
On January 13-16 in Hannover a show "DOMOTEX 2007", a leading international exhibition of carpets, floor coating materials and special equipment, took place. Within the show duration International Forum for Architecture and Interior Design "contractworld" was conducted for the seventh time. It was attended by 2400 architects, planners, interior architects and designers. A competition of architectural designs was organized within the framework of the Forum. 14 designs were awarded prizes in different nominations.
E. Kolesov, D. Romashkov. First International Competition "ArchCeramica. Ceramics and Architecture"
Within the framework of the show MosBuild-2007 that will take place in April 2007 the first international competition "ArchCeramica. Ceramics and Architecture" will be conducted. It is hosted by the International Association of Unions of Architects, ITE company and journal "Modern Home". The competition objective is to demonstrate a variety of possible ways for ceramic tiles usage in state-of-the-art architectural solutions.
I. Dobritsina. From Deconstructionism to Nonlinear Architecture
Architectural deconstructionism of 1980-ies is an attempt to develop a specific type of professional thinking in a dialogue with modernism. It can be treated as an experimental ironic dialogue, logics of paradox that is extrinsically negating any novelty, while intrinsically is striving for it. It can be regarded as experimenting with disassembly of stable structures of architectural thinking. This is an attempt to break through tight cannons established by stubborn modernistic system with its simple geometric patterns.
A. Morozov. Parables and Dreams in Painting
In September 2006 in the Moscow Central House of Artists a show of Sharunas Sauka, one of the most outstanding artists of modern Lithuania, took place. An exhibition presented more than 75 canvases showing a process of the author's establishment and creative development from mid 1980-ies till mid 2000-ies. Paintings of Sh. Sauka touch upon lots of dramatic and always exciting aspects of a human nature and the present day existence, they bring interlocutors to a certain philosophical level through the artist' experience of self-actualization.
Daisaku Ikeda. "My Universe"
In November 2006 in the Moscow Central House of Artists the International Confederation of Painter's Unions and Soka Gakkai International (SGI) under patronage of the Ministry of Culture and Mass Communications of the RF, and Federal Agency of the RF on Culture and Cinematography organized a unique exhibition of works of a Japanese photo master Daisaku Ikeda titled "My Universe". Daisaku Ikeda is a man of marked individuality, philosopher, writer, poet and pedagogue, president of a secular Buddhist organization on promotion of piece, culture and education of SGI.
Publishing House "Soviet Artist" - "Galart"
History of the Publishing House "Soviet Artist" started 60 years ago, in 1946. It was established with an objective to popularize works of art created by Soviet masters. By the end of 1950-ies it became one of the leading publishing houses of the country in fine arts. In the course of its existence the Publishing House "Soviet Artist" issued great many books, albums, monographs and catalogues on art, printmaking, scenography, monumental and ornamental art, and arts and crafts.
Not an Emulative Spirit, but the Spirit of Freedom!
For the fifth time a Christmas show "World as Seen with Architects' Eyes" that took place at the Architectural and Construction Center "House in Brestskaya Street" had a staggering success. Like before, it gathered together friends and colleagues from the architectural community of Moscow. Its level is growing from year to year, its artistic value is gaining strength, works presented by its permanent participants are getting better and are becoming more interesting. This was noted not only by organizers, but also by visitors, many of which came for the occasion from other cities.
M. Ozherelyeva. "Kiritsy"
A farmstead of baron S.P. von Dervize "Kiritsy" located in a beautiful place in the plain flood of the river Pron was built subject to the design developed by F.O. Shekhtel. The architect created a "cocktail of styles" consisting of medieval machicolated towers, lancet-shaped windows and old-Russian marquees. The palace facade "was reflected" on the terraced slope through an intricate system of staircases, ramps, balustrades and grottos "streaming" down to the ponds with lilacs growing all around them, and a fruit grove father on. A landscape park with arc-shaped alleys was decorated with flying bridges, belvederes and sculptures.
Architects’ Meetings in Almaty in September, 2006
On September 20-23 a regular meeting of the Steering Committee of the International Association of
Unions of Architects (IAUA), XIV-th International Show-Contest of IAUA for the best design (construction)
of the year, Ceremonial Plenary Session of the Union of Architects of the Republic of Kazakhstan
devoted to the 70-th anniversary of the Union, Republican show-contest of 2003-2006 «Festival of
Architecture and Construction», meetings with architectural community, awarding of contests winners
took place in Almaty.
Fifteen Minutes - about Important Things
Interview with A.V. Kuzmin
Alexander Kuzmin, Chief Architect of Moscow, is contemplating about a role of the Moscow
International Business Center «Moskva-City» in the life of the city, about a huge impact of this project
on renovation and development of the capital and its region. A.V. Kuzmin is telling about transformations
that the project underwent in the course of its implementation due to the requirements of tower
building construction, changing of priorities in the society, genesis of new ideas. Chief Architect of
Moscow stresses that the «Moskva-City» is a multi-functional complex, which is a guarantee of the
project success.
«Moskva-City» - To Be Continued...
Interview with G.L. Sirota
Head of Workshop No.6 of the Institute «Mosproject-2» Gennady Sirota is telling about the history of
origination, development and implementation of the project of the Moscow International Business
Center «Moskva-City», about those who take part in implementation of this tremendous project. G.L.
Sirota is giving a description of the complex objects: both those that have been erected and are being
built, and the ones that are at the stage of designing. He is listing investors and designing architects.
M. Khazanov, A. Nagavitsin. Administrative Complex
On the territory of the Moscow International Business Center «Moskva-City» erection of a complex
comprising of administrative buildings was planned. These buildings will accommodate departments of
the Government of Moscow and Moscow City Duma. A four-part structure will allow for rational, logical
and convenient housing of all functional areas that are laid down by the program. Architecturalplanning
solution of the complex provides for visual communication with all «Moskva-City» objects.
M. Sonne-Frederiksen. Complex «Federation»
Downtown Moscow, on the territory of the Moscow International Business Center «Moskva-City», one
of the tallest buildings in Europe (345 m) will be erected. It will accommodate offices, exclusive apartments,
a hotel, multi-functional public and trading areas, and a sporting center. Design of the complex
«Federation» was developed by well known architects Peter Schweger and Sergey Tchoban. The complex
is a multi-level podium with two three-cornered towers connected with each other by three bridges.
D. Mirzaeva. Transport Terminal
One of the most important tasks of the Transport Terminal is transportation of passengers from airport
Sheremetyevo directly to the «Moskva-City». Lots of businessmen from different countries of the
world arrive in Sheremetyevo. Thanks to the terminal they will be able to get to the center of the city
in a fast and comfortable way. The Terminal will be located in such a manner that people arriving in
the «Moskva-City» will see it first among other things in the «Moskva-City». The Terminal will be a face
of the Moscow International Business Center.
M. Sonne-Frederiksen. Berlin Pariser Platz
Pariser Platz is one of the most distinguished squares of old Berlin. Most likely, it was built in accordance
with the plans developed by Philipp Gernach that expanded the city by order of the king Fridrich
Wilgelm I. Sights of Pariser Platz include Brandenburg gates built at the design of Karl Gotthard
Langhans, building of the Academy of Arts constructed by Gunter Behnisch, DG Bank built by Frank O.
Gehry, Lieberman’s House, Embassy of France, Embassy of the USA that is under construction now,
reconstructed hotel «Adlon», and other structures.
G. Shugaev. Chinese-Russian Forum in Harbin Devoted to the Development
of Architectural Styles and City Design
On July 22-23, 2006 a Chinese-Russian forum devoted to the development of architectural
styles and city design took place in Harbin. A delegation of architects from Russia
participated in the forum at the invitation of the Chinese Scientific Society on City
Planning, Chinese Architectural Scientific Society and Harbin People’s Government. The
agenda included presentations of Russian architects and Chinese specialists that showed
impressive achievements in urban planning of the country over past years.
XV-th International Show-Contest of Best Graduation Design Works in
Architectural and Art Specialities
From September 17 till September 22, 2006 the XV-th International Show-Contest of best
graduation design works in architectural and art specialities took place at the Kazan State
Architectural and Construction University. As always, the competition jury included representatives
of largest architectural universities and colleges. This contest helps to preserve
traditions of a professional community, provides for succession in architectural education.
Competition results and criteria set priorities in the field of education.
M. Fatkulin. Congress of Artists of Tajikistan
On August 25, 2006 XII-th Congress of Artists of Tajikistan took place in Dushanbe. This
event is another evidence of that the republic is back to its normal peaceful life. Social
reconciliation was followed by creative work, people are again optimistic, with a faith in
future. Economy of Tajikistan is making first steps towards revival. Young people are joining
the Union of Artists, which means that they are coming to an understanding that their
profession has prospects.
L. Dodkhudoeva. Overcoming. Sukhrob Kurbanov
Sukhrob Kurbanov was destined to be Chairman of the Union of Artists of Tajikistan in
the 1990-ies that were disastrous years in his motherland’s history. He was able to overcome
many hardships and obstacles, and to remain a bright master of the present time.
Incredible ability to work, commitment and makeup of a leader have been helpful attributes
of Sukhrob Kurbanov from his teenager’s years. They made him secure a victory,
including a victory over himself. He is open to new trends, is constantly striving for perfection,
and seeks for integration into the world space of art.
M. Maistrovskaya. Artists Making Museum Displays
Museum was and is one of the most exclusive objects of architectural and design planning.
Besides, a modern museum is a show of unique technologies and techniques that
provide for sophisticated ways of storage, lighting, security and presentation of collections.
There has always been a serious problem of mutual understanding between scientist
and artist, relationships between concept and material, scientific reliability and limits of
the author’s interpretation, initial project idea and its implementation.
O. Grigoryeva, M. Terekhovich. Sculptures in a Winter Garden
A tradition of decorating parks and gardens with sculptures has a history that is thousands
years long. In our days this tradition is developing in its own way and takes shapes
of decor in country houses and city apartments. In this context a show project of the
Moscow Union of Artists «Sculptures in a Winder Garden» seems very topical. One of the
project main tasks is to draw attention of architects, landscape designers and potential
buyers to truly artistic pieces.
G. Shugaev. Essays on Traveling about Ancient Cities
Architectural appearance of Baku, Derbent, Belgrade and Istanbul was formed under the influence
of different cultures. In the course of their multi-age history these cities used to be parts
of different states, witnessed changes of governors, state systems, and dominant religions. In
Baku, Derbent and Istanbul architectural monuments of high antiquity were preserved, in
Belgrade they were replaced by subsequent structures. In the rural settlement Mir in Belarus a
world-famous medieval castle is located.
A number of buildings in Baku, Derbent and Istanbul, as well as the Mir castle were included in
the List of the World Cultural Heritage of UNESCO.
M. Sonne-Frederiksen. Reconstruction of the Castle in Kolding (Denmark)
A castle in Kolding was built in 1268 by the king Erik Glipping. During centuries that followed it
was repeatedly rebuilt, and in 1808 was almost completely destroyed as a result of a fire.
Architects Inger and Johannes Exner partially restored the castle’s facades and roofs. Load-carrying
constructions supporting floorings and roof cladding were erected, however, ruins in interiors
were left untouched.
K. Sintaeva. Moscow – Reconstruction of Entrance Ensembles of the Kamer-Kollezhsky
Embankment System
Moscow Architectural Center headed by Irina Sokolova jointly with the Youth Public Charity
Foundation «Zastava» developed a project on the revival of historical Moscow boundaries. The
project objective is to reconstruct entrance ensembles of the Kamer-Kollezhsky Embankment and
to establish on their basis centers of culture, recreation and tourism.
N. Kasyanov. Architectural and Landscape Complex of a Fortress in Vladivostok
A fortress in Vladivostok was one of the most important sea fortresses in the beginning of the
XX-th century. It played a decisive role in Vladivostok formation and development. Features of
traditional Russian and modern style are traced in the fortress architecture. In 1995 fortification
structures of the fortress were declared a monument of history and military-defensive architecture
of federal importance.
G. Shugaev. Romualdo del Bianco Foundation
Since 1819 a world famous Romualdo del Bianño Foundation has given a possibility to young specialists
from Central and Eastern Europe and from Asian countries to meet each other on a regular
basis in Florence - the city where the best examples of world culture have been accumulated.
Students of architectural colleges and universities, professors of architectural faculties, leaders of
architectural unions from various countries take part in the events of the Foundation. Romualdo
del Bianño Foundation is a non-profitable organization, the goal of which is to promote international
integration on a cultural level.
International Scientific Conference «Heritage at Risk. Preservation of Architecture of the
XX-th Century and the World Heritage»
From April 17 through April 20, 2006 a conference titled «Heritage at Risk» took place in
Moscow. The conference objective was to attract public attention to the problem of conservation
of monuments of Russian architectural avant-garde and constructivism of 1920-ies and beginning
of 1930-ies. The conference participants adopted a declaration on preservation of cultural heritage
of the XX-th century and noted the need to include several monuments of Russian avantgarde
in the List of the World Cultural Heritage of UNESCO.
A. Ter-Minasyan. Jim Torosyan
Jim Torosyan is a well known architect and educationalist, author of numerous buildings and
monuments in Erevan and different regions of Armenia. During ten years he worked as Chief
Architect of the republic capital. His tectonically balanced, constructively calibrated works show
that Jim Torosyan has always been a true artist that treated architecture as art, in the first place.
A. Vaitens. Role of Chief Architects in the Development of Leningrad in 1920–1980-ies
An importance of public and professional activities of Chief Architects in the development of
largest Russian cities is extraordinary great. The article tells about creative and personal fates of
well known architects that in different years managed design and city planning activities in
Leningrad. Among them are I.A. Fomin, L.A. Ilyin, N.V. Baranov, V.A. Kamensky, G.N. Buldakov.
N. Barsukova. A Play of Post-Modernism Aesthetics in the City Environment
Post-modernism most vividly shows in architecture and design, in the city environment. A special
place in the post-modernism aesthetics is taken by a play of idea and artistic language. Artobjects
are installed in the streets of many cities of the world. They invite people to join them in
a game that helps to remove psychological tension. Decorative game sculptures are proportionate
to human beings, and harmonically comply with the environment.
Yu. Nikitin. Origin of the Show Design in Russia
Origination and development of the art of exposition in Russia is connected with industrial
shows. A search for new layout patterns for shows of industrial goods contributed to the emergence
of modern commercial art, including pop art and its architectural varieties. Gardening
shows played an important role in the shaping of home landscape design.
V. Perfilyev. All-Russian Show «Sculpture-2006»
In April 2006 for the first time in the past 20 years an all-Russian show of sculptures took place
in Lipetsk. Practically all genres of easel sculpture were presented at the show. The show proved
that during past uneasy years sculptors of Russia preserved a high artistic and professional level,
saved traditions and the school. Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, Lipetsk, Penza, Perm continue to
maintain leading positions in terms of the level and plastic variety of works.
N. Akhmedova. Myths of the West, Myths of the East
In October 2005 the Third Tashkent Biennale of Contemporary Art took place in Uzbekistan. Its
topic – «Myths of the West and Myths of the East» – made it possible to include in the show
exposition works of different art trends. 75 artists from 25 countries of the world presented
their works. Participants mainly included artists from Asia and Middle East. They demonstrated a
unique understanding of modern art principles, peculiar methods of combining European forms
with Oriental philosophy. Well known artists and theoreticians conducted their master-classes
within the Biennale framework.
M. Ozherelyeva. Gardens and Chateaus of French Kings
In France the word «chàteau» is as a rule used for tenancies, the lands of which possess everything
that is needed for wine production. Valley of the river Luara is a well known wine-producing
region. An architectural style of Luara chateaus that are in absolute consonance with surrounding
landscapes is unique, like the French Renaissance is. Most of the year chateaus and
gardens are open for tourists.
M. Ozherelyeva. Puschino-on-Nara
Estate «Puschino-on-Nara» belonged to the prince S.I. Vyazemsky. In the end of 1890-ies a gorgeous
palace-and-park ensemble was built in the classicism style. It had a clear cut centrally-axial
design. The author’s name is not known, however there are strong grounds to assume that a
creator of «Puschino-on-Nara» was a well known architect Ivan Starov. Now the estate is in
The First Forum of Creative and Scientific Unity of the CIS States
On the 14th-15th of April 2006 the First forum of creative and scientific unity of the CIS states was held in Moscow. Its conducting, initiated by the representatives of creative people of the CIS states, was supported by the governments of the CIS states and included to the plan of events, dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the CIS. The President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin participated in the opening ceremony of the Forum and made a speech of welcome to the delegates.
Pieter van der Ree. Man and Nature as a Source of Inspiration
The term «organic architecture» was introduced in 1900. The fundamental principle and main characteristic feature of this trend is unity of form and function. The pioneers of organic architecture were such world-wide famous architects as Louis Sullivan and Frank Lloyd Wright, Antonio Gaudi and Rudolf Steiner, Alvar Aalto, Hugo Haring and Hans Scharoon. Their ideas were developed in the works of Santiago Calatrava, Bart Prince, Kendrick Bangs Kellogg, Erik Asmussen, Imre Makovecz and many other architects from various countries. Their influence on the development of architecture is difficult to overestimate. At present interest to organic architecture in the whole world revived.
M. Sonne-Frederiksen. Organic Architecture in Europe
In 1991 the International Forum Man and Architecture, IFMA, was founded in Amsterdam (the Netherlands). In 2005 its Russian branch was opened. On the initiative of IFMA conferences, symposiums, exhibitions with the participation of prominent and young architects are being held. In 2004 the German IFMA branch and JONA Stichtung (the Netherlands) organized the exhibition «Organic Architecture» in Berlin. More than 50 projects were exhibited there, then in the Netherlands, Finland and Belgium. The project bureau Joachim Eble and Barbara Eble-Graebener, Sonne-Frederiksen, bpr architektur & design GbR (Germany), Alberts & Van Huut (Norway) and Arbeidsgruppen HUS (the Netherlands) took part in the exhibition. Photographs and descriptions of the most interesting and famous projects, made by these bureaus were presented. Style and manner of the architects are different, as they have different cultural and national traditions, but they are all united by aspiration to create harmonious spatial environment.
D. Kozlov. Architectural Bionics
The beginning of the 21st century is marked by return of interest to the architectural bionics, the founder of which is an outstanding Russian architect and scientist Yu. Lebedev. Talented scientists, architects, engineers and designers have worked in Lebedev’s laboratory. Numerous projects have been realized, new constructions have been tested, hundreds of articles have been published, dozens of exhibitions organized. The result of this work is «The Organic Architecture» monograph - joint work of a big international group of authors edited by Yu. Lebedev.
G. Shugaev. Romualdo del Bianco Foundation
Since 1819 a world famous Romualdo del Bianño Foundation has given a possibility to young specialists from Central and Eastern Europe and from Asian countries to meet each other on a regular basis in Florence - the city where the best examples of world culture have been accumulated. Students of architectural colleges and universities, professors of architectural faculties, leaders of architectural unions from various countries take part in the events of the Foundation. Romualdo del Bianño Foundation is a non-profitable organization, the goal of which is to promote international integration on a cultural level.
14th International Competition of the Best Degree Theses of the Graduates of Architectural Colleges
From the 18th till the 25th of September 2005 the 14th International Competition of the best degree theses of the graduates of architectural colleges was held in Tomsk. Graduates from 51 architectural schools of Russia and foreign countries took part in the competition. The jury considered more than 336 projects of the following specialties: residential houses, communal construction, town construction, industrial buildings, restoration, theory of architecture, design of architectural environment, landscape. The best projects were awarded diplomas and prizes, nominated by various organizations.
E. Kolesov. Ceramic Tiles of Spain
Spanish ceramic tiles are well known all over the world. It is an irreplaceable decorative material, allowing to realize the most original and ambitious architectural and design solutions. Spain has a developed tile industry; students of architectural schools study technology of tiles manufacture and ways of working with it. Numerous shows and competitions, including a prestigious «Tiles of Spain» contest are held to demonstrate versatile assortment of ceramic tiles and potential of its use.
G. Naumkin. Is the Author of a Famous Painting «V.I. Bazhenov in the Family Circle» an Unknown Painter or a Famous Architect?
The author of a famous painting «V.I. Bazhenov in a family circle» is traditionally considered to be one of the architect’s friend I. Nekrasov. However the thorough analysis of Bazhenov’s creative heritage, the composition of the painting and the manner, as well as the comparison of the group portrait with the remaining draft, allow to suggest that the authorship of the painting belongs to the famous architect himself.
2006 Central House of Artists Salon. Contemporaries
The 9th Moscow International Arts Salon was held in The Central House of Artists from the 17th till the 26th of March. The Salon in the Central House of Artists is the largest and the unique annual show of the artists from the post-Soviet Commonwealth countries, the original form of Euro-Asian integration in the sphere of culture. This year the theme suggested to the exhibitors was current and eternal at the same time - «Contemporaries. My World and I». Traditional forms, as well as the newest technologies of visual creative activities, non-commercial and commercial projects were presented at the Salon.
L. Kashuk. The project «Artist - Art Critic - Photograph»
Special place in the genre of photographic portrait is allotted to an artist’s portrait. An artist is being photographed by professional photographs, amateurs, art critics and colleagues. Within the framework of 2006 Salon «Contemporaries» the project «Alternative Art of the 60th-90th» was presented. It was the photo show based on the materials of Moscow artistic life of the second half of the 20th century. The visitors could see the history of the Soviet art of the above mentioned period «in faces».
V. Perfiliev. The Colors of Vodlozerye
Symposium at Vodlozerye national park in Karelia is an attempt made by the artists from various countries to interpret the phenomenon of nature in the Russian North and means of contact with it. The artists work in the artcamp, each of the artists can freely express his individuality, using various means of modern art and its versatile visual forms - from traditional to conceptual. The project was presented at 2006 Salon under the name «Echo of the Colors of Vodlozerye Ecosymposium».
N. Chamina. Games of Mind or Turin Mole Antonelliana Skyscraper
The creator of Turin skyscraper was architect and engineer Alessandro Antonelli. Biult in 1889 the skyscraper for a certain period of time was the highest building in Europe (its height is 167,5 m). This was one of few buildings in the world that bore the name of its creator. At present the National Film Museum is located in the building. In 2006 Mole Antonelliana skyscraper became a symbol of Winter Olympic Games.
The Magic of Non-Virtual Reality
From the 23rd till the 28th of March 2006 the 8th International Festival of Architecture and Interior Design «Under the House Roof» was held in the House at Brestskaya. Works of architects from Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, Kazan, Samara and other cities were exhibited there. The exhibitors competed traditionally in five nominations: Residential Interior, Public Interior, Interior Decoration, Interior Detail, Interior Item. The exhibited works were original and nonstandard. Lectures and master-classes were held within the framework of the festival.
G. Shugaev. Meetings of Architects in Moscow in November-December, 2005
From the 27th of November through the 1st of December 2005 the following events were held in Moscow: the recurrent meeting of Coordinating Council of International Association of the Unions of Architects (IAUA), the 13th International Competition for the best project/construction of the year, meeting of the Union of Chief Architects of the CIS’s capitals and a number of other events. The enumerated events were organized by IAUA with active support of the International Academy of Architecture in Moscow and Moscow Committee of Architecture. Architects from CIS countries, from nearby and distant foreign countries took part in numerous meetings. Two gold IAUA medals and 26 diplomas of the first and second degree were handed on the results of the International competition.
Sh. Mataibekov. The Architecture of Astana:
Search, Ideas, Trends of Development in the 21st Century In connection with the transfer of the capital of Kazakhstan to Astana international competition was announced for the development of the general lay-out of the new capital. The winner of the competition was Japanese architect Kise Kurokava. His project is based on a doctrine of symbolic architecture. Architects from many countries work together with Kazakh architects in Astana. Palace of Peace and Conñent is now being built on Norman Foster’s project. Manfredi Nicoletti is building the cinema-concert hall. Massimilliano Fukas - an exhibition complex.
S. Yusufdzhanov. The City Born by Friendship
In 2005 Dushanbe celebrated its 80th anniversary. This is the only state capital in the Middle Asia, that in a short from historic perspective time has been converted from a small town to a big modern industrial, cultural, scientific and political center with one million inhabitants. Young Tadzhikistan architecture has grown and developed together with the growth of the city. During the last few years numerous industrial enterprises, residential and administrative buildings, scientific institutions, theatres and museums were build in Dushanbe, that jointly determine the original image of the city.
M. Mamadnazarov. Ancient Sources of the Mountainous Badakhshan
The highlands of Badakhshan created their own environment with fierce fests, unforgettable music, original applied arts. One of the achievements during many centuries of adaptation to the highlands conditions is the architecture of dwelling houses. The highland Badakhshan house is a conglomeration of dwelling and household buildings. Similar houses with step-beam coverage can be found in highland areas of Afghanistan, Pakistan, China, India, in the Caucasus and Minor Asia. In ancient times houses of this type were built in the Mediterranean.
G. Shmidt. Street Architecture
History of street architecture is divided into several stages, depending on the level of development of building machines and transport means. In ancient towns it didn’t have an independent meaning. For the first time the architectural task of a street - to form spatial movement and perspective - was formulated while constructing Palmira. During the period of late renaissance and baroque city layouts started to be worked out in the radial system, the idea of straight streets was put forward. At present transport dominates in the streets. It leads to widening and differentiation of their profile, puts forward the task of preventing the unity of a street in all its elements.
2004 Aga Khan Prize in Architecture
In 2004 Aga Khan Prize in architecture was given to the project of an elementary school in the village Gando (Burkina Faso, architect Diebedo Francis Kere) and B2 building in Buihusun (Turkey, architect Han Tmertekin). The jury has marked the elegance and distinctness of the architectural execution of the school building in Gando, reached by very modest means and materials. B2 building was awarded as the unique feature, that has become an integral part of the surrounding landscape.
A. Ter-Minasyan. Alexander Tamanyan
In 2003 the 125th anniversary of Alexander Tamanyan, whose contribution to the formation and growth of modern Armenian architecture can’t be overestimated, was celebrated. A. Tamanyan worked for almost 20 years in Moscow and St-Petersburg and since 1924 constantly lived in Armenia. Neo-classic tradition and artistic expressive means of medieval Armenian architecture joined together in his creative activity. Tamanyan used the achievements of the world’s architecture and at the same time revived the traditional Armenian building materials, techniques and construction solutions.
S. Zavarikhin. Next to Design
Pavel Loshakov, the architect from St-Petersburg works successfully in design-architectural style. He uses original constructive and color schemes. His modular container system has got the patent. On P. Loshakov’s projects stopping places complexes, fair-trade pavilions, storage complex, roofed market in Kirovsk and other buildings have been constructed. The project of an orthodox church in Sillamae (Estonia) has been developed by Loshakov. The church of St. John Baptist Beheading in Kirovsk by his project is now under construction.
S. Muntyany. Palace Made of Soil
Prior’s Palace in Gatchina is the exceptional sample of soil construction made by architect Nikolay Lvov by the order of the Emperor. In 1798 Emperor Pavel I ordered to build a palace for Prince Conde - prior of Knights Order of John from Jerusalem. This gave the name to the palace. The palace itself and the wall surrounding it were made using soil as construction material. Soil mixture composition can be compared with concrete by its solidity.
N. Goncharenko. Project «Public Building Packing» by Christo and Jeanne-Claude
in the Context of City Life The project by American artist of Bulgarian origin Christo and his wife Jeanne-Claude are always short-lived in principle. Their works, such as Iron Curtain or Packed Reichstag existed only for a few days, if not hours. For Christo the fact that his works can’t be bought, moved or preserved has become the expression of freedom. Very few of the existing artists have provoked such number of interpretations of their works and thoughts about art upon the whole, as Christo and Jeanne-Claude do.
A. Zavyalova. Architectural Fantasies of Stanislav Noakovsky
Creative and pedagogic activities of Stanislav Noakovsky occupy peculiar place in Russian culture of the beginning of the 20th century. Lectures delivered by Noakovsky in Moscow Stroganov college, especially his graphic improvisations gathered huge audiences. Noakovsky was a master of line and spot; he added special artistic significance to the background. He edited his drawings by photo-printing and dreamed of issuing an album of such photo prints with ink finish. A few variants of the album project «Polish Motives in Artistic Styles of the 13th-18th centuries» have been preserved.
L. Kazakova. Engraved Glass. New Dimension
In the second half of the 20th century the process of glass studio movement has begun. Contacts of artists from various countries contribute to the fact significantly. Check Republic has become one of the first initiators of international symposiums for the artist working with glass. In the framework of these symposiums scientific conferences, contests, practical workshops, informal meetings of artists are being held. Masters from Europe, America and Japan come to Check Republic.
International Contest of Ideas «Time in the City» with Japanese Accent
At the end of 2005 the International contest «Time in the City», organized by the initiative of Academician of Architecture Boris Ulkin, was held in The House at Brestskaya. The contest was arranged on the principle of Japanese «paper» contests. B. Ulkin was the only member of the jury. Any person of any profession who wished to improve their own city could become a participant. 160 people (48 - from Russia, 112 - from the foreign countries) sent their projects to the contest. Many of the projects can be implemented in the nearest future.
Architect is a Wonderful Profession!
In the New-Year eve exhibition The World by the Eyes of Architects is traditionally being held in The House at Brestskaya. The exhibition is very popular. A number of exhibitors increase almost twice each year. The architects show their works in various genres: painting, graphics, photographs, stained glass, artistic modeling, wood crafts. In 2006 exhibition The World by the Eyes of Architects will celebrate its 5th anniversary.
M. Ozherelyeva. Muromtsevo
Palace and park ensemble Muromtsevo, belonging to count V. Khrapovitsky, was worth Peterhof and Versales by its splendor and scope. The author of the project was Moscow architect P. Boitsov - talented stylist who worked in late-French and English gothic and renaissance styles. Prominent gardeners used to work in Muromtsevo. There were French, Italian and English gardens in the estate. Dozens of exotic plants grew in the arboretum. Rare fruits ripened in green houses all year round. There are no examples in Russian culture that can be compared with Muromtsevo.
Yu.Kurbatov. Natural Landscape and Architectural Form.
Binding architecture and landscape together is a very difficult task. Should architecture be dissolved in the environment? Certainly not. On the contrary, based on the characteristic features of the location, respectful to the environment, it would take the role of the landmarks and reference points of the assimilated landscape.
G.Shugaev. Turkey: Architecture and Landscape. The Architect’s Impressions.
It seems that indissoluble connection of architecture and landscape has long ago become one of the main postulates of architecture. But every time when you see with your own eyes the masterpieces born by such symbiosis, you feel admiration. That’s the impression of many hotel and complexes scattered along the southern coast of Turkey.
On the Slopes of the Dinar Mountains. The Museum of Folk Architecture in Serbia.
The so called folk architecture is always harmonious with natural environment. That’s why the Serbian Museum of Folk Architecture, where genuine samples of traditional dwellings for inhabitants of the Dinar mountains, built in the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, have been displayed, is located on the plane with the landscape typical for this area.
N.Lukyanov. Rostokino Aqueduct and the First-Rate Architectural Tradition.
In February 1805 Rostoino aqueduct, that was under construction since 1780 started to operate near Moscow, close to Yaroslavl road. 200 years later after restoration and improvement of the near-by area it looks like a present from the former centuries to modern Moscow. It gives us the opportunity to recollect the history of the magnificent structure and to talk about the architectural tradition that has influenced its appearance.
M.Sonne-Fredericksen. New House for Embassy
The author of the publication continues to introduce the architects whose projects have won prizes in the architectural contests in Germany. In 2003 the first prize for the project implemented in Berlin region was given to the project of the Netherlands Embassy in Berlin, created by architect Rem Koolhaas. The author of the publication tells also about an important event of 2005 - handing The Big Prize of the Union of Architects of Germany.
Leonardo 2005 Contest of Young Architects.
From the28th of October to the 1st of November 2005 the First International Contest of Young Architects named Leonardo 2005 was held in the capital of Belarus Minsk. We introduce the winners of the contest and their projects.
E.Korotkevich. To the Memory of Tatyana Yablonskaya.
In autumn 2002 many Muscovites visited the Ukrainian Cultural Center in Old Arbat street. It was the art exhibition of the oldest Soviet Ukrainian artist - Tatyana Yablonskaya. We didn’t know then that it would be her last exhibition, occurring during her lifetime..
M.Fatkulin. ÒÎNY ÊRAGG: Gravity and Tenderness. The New Trends in the Exhibition
Activities of the International Confederation of the Artists Unions. The exhibition of the representative of famous British New Wave of the 80th of the 20th century Tony Kragg - that is the trend of the International Confederation of the Artists Unions to restore the program of organizing the exhibitions of modern artists of the first-class level, that previously used to be organized by the USSR Union of Artists. Now, when a difficult period of organizing of the International Confederation of the Artists Unions as a legal successor of the USSR Union of Artists has completed, the Confederation is ready for implementation of the program.
L.Toma. Moldavian School of Modern Landscape Painting.
Landscape painting is a favorite genre of Moldavian artists. Very diverse landscape of the region serves an inexhaustible source of inspiration for them. But it’s well known that the beauty of nature and the beauty of art are not the adequate notions.
M.Baburina. The Creative Credo of Ivan Kazansky.
Kazansky is well known as a talented sculptor having his rating and image. However his personal exhibition organized to commemorate his 65th anniversary in Moscow House of Sculptures in March 2005 appeared to be unexpected - it consisted mainly of his artistic and graphic works.
G.Derviz. Symposiums in Enamel.
In Russia there are now certain places where artists working with enamel can meet for creative experiments. For example, they have been meeting for already 15 years in the workshop of N.Vdovkin near Mineralnye Vody. Artist A.Karikh has organized the association «Emalius». M. Selischev has organized the House of Creative Works «Khors» in Rostov Veliky. In 2005 the periodical symposium with the participation of the students from the creative high schools of Petersburg was held. It’s pleasing that symposiums that have a long history in our country are open to various professional innovations.
N.Chamina. Jambattista Tiepolo Frescoes at Villa Baliony.
After the generation of great decorators of the period of Renaissance the Venetians relatively rarely turned to fresco techniques. But in the 18th century they gradually return to the creation of monumental fresco ensembles. It’s not by chance the generation of Jambattista Tiepolo is considered to be the generation of fresco artists.
The Palace of Health in Velingrad.
One of the youngest resorts in Bulgaria - Velingrad - is already more than 50 years old. It’s main building - the Palace is a unique architectural creature surrounded by the beautiful natural landscape. Accommodating the resort to modern life style, the new owners have preserved carefully the appearance of the Palace, the meaningful details of the facade and interior, as well as the area lay out. It was a wise decision that allowed to preserve its originality and to reinforce the attractiveness of the resort.
A.Vaitens. From "Regulation" to "Directive". Town-Planning in Petrograd-Leningrad (1918 - end of 1930th).
At the end of June compilation of the General Plan of Saint-Petersburg's development till 2025 was completed. Numerous problems, legal first of all, that appeared during its preparation, compelled to turn to the historic experience of town-planning activities in St-Petersburg-Petrograd-Leningrad of the end of the 19th and first half of the 20th century.
V. Shilov. Classification of Radial Systems.
Our readers remember that the first part of this article was published in N1-2005 issue of "Architecture, Construction, Design". We draw your attention to the second part of this interesting research, devoted to the analysis of the radial systems in Russian town-planning.
O.Tonkiy, B.Samyrsakov. About the Concept of Town-Planning Development of the Central Part of Bishkek.
New city centre of the Kirghizstan Capital Bishkek was formed in the 80th of the last century. Dramatic changes of the social- economic, political and state structure that took place within the latest 15 years has required revision of the priorities in town-planning policy, especially concerning the capital's centre of the new independent state.
M.Sonne-Frederiksen. "Better City, Better Life". About Albert Shpeer's Architectural Bureau.
Shpeer's architectural bureau is one of the largest and most famous in Germany. It is involved in town-planning construction, makes plans of transport and engineering networks; public, residential and sport buildings in Germany and abroad. The publication tells about the architect, his bureau and some ambitions projects.
V.Platun. Nemiga-City-2008.
At the traditional Byelorussian competition of the best architectural works of 2005 one of the most prestigious prizes "Small Pyramid" was given to the multifunctional complex that should be built at Nemiga street in Minsk. Specialists consider the project to be a town-planning success. By the opinion of the members of Minsk architectural council the planners managed to develop integral and large-scale building of a very important part of the city adjoining the historic city centre.
A.Rustambekov, A.Kapanov. Urgent Architectural and Town-Planning Problems in Kazakhstan Republic.
The economic boom beginning after the decrease of economy in the country during the latest years, has led to reviving of architectural and town-planning activities in Kazakhstan. International exhibitions, competitions in which Kazakhstan architects take active part, show that the results of their creative efforts are rather high. Today the task is not only to preserve the existing potential, but also to raise it to a higher level. Several problems should be solved in the country to gain the goal.
E.Filatova. School Lessons of English Town-Planners.
It's a paradox, but in modern Russia the profession of town-planner is not popular. To raise its prestige the state should give it a significant support. In this context it's interesting to get acquainted with the modern English town-planning system. Participation in Summer Town-Planning School taking place in England on an annual basis gives this possibility.
Turning Over the Pages of Our Journal
L.Kulaga. Restoration of Cities.
While choosing an article from the journal "The USSR Architecture" we wanted to bind the main theme of the issue - Town-Planning - with the main theme of the year - the 60th Anniversary of Victory in World War II. Fortunately we have found the publication meeting our requirements easily. It was dedicated to the restoration of some cities destroyed by the War, aspiration of architects not only to revive them, but also to make them more comfortable, beautiful and modern.
To the 60th Anniversary of Victory.
"Music of Glory" Fountain. Dedicated to the Russian Military Glory.
Not long ago in Moscow in Kuzminky the fountain "Music of Glory" dedicated to the 60th Anniversary of Victory in World War II was constructed. New majestic sculptural composition has been created by the group of architects under the guidance of Y.Platonov. After successful completion of improvement works at the square near Kievsky railway station, new work of the architects has become one more vivid success of the professional achievements of this talented team.
A.Korbut. The 70th Anniversary of Byelorussian Union of Architects.
Belorussian Union of Architects celebrates its 70th anniversary. It's history is a part of history of the country and its nation. The long way of search and realization, mistakes and achievements. How did it start? Who was at the head of the Union? Who directed it and solved the tasks, set up by the society? What are the goals of the Union nowadays? The publication answers these questions.
A.Polishuk. New Ideas…Club of Young Architects of Byelorussian Union of Architects.
In October 2003 within Byelorussian Union of Architects the Club of young Architects was established. We'd like to acquaint our readers with its history, structure, goals, hopes, realized projects and plans for the future.
The Name.
"A Person Writes as He Thinks…". To the Anniversary of Architect R.G.Kananin.
In June this year Roman Grigoryevich Kananin celebrated his 70th anniversary. His name long ago became indisputable. Honored Architect of Russia, Lenin Prize-winner, Honored Architect of Moscow, Councilor of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences, for more 30 years he has been the head of the studio in "Mosproject", LLC. He has been involved in realization of many large-scale projects in Moscow and other cities in Russia. It seems that nothing could be added to such a biography. But his creative activity is in full swing. And this is the best to meet one's 70th anniversary.
The Sculpture
The Road without an End. Sculptor G.Frangulyan about Creation and Profession.
It has become a tradition for our journal almost in every issue to inform our readers about the activities of one or another sculptor. This time the hero of our publication is the artist George Frangulyan. We called George Frangulyan an artist not by chance, though in our country as well as abroad he is well-known as a sculptor. Not many people know that Frangulyan is a talented draughtsman and artist.
In the Confederation of Unions of Artists.
T.Malinina. Images in Memorial Architecture of War Period. Cultural Meanings, Mythological and Historic Associations.
One of the peculiarities of modern comprehending of the World War II period art, architecture in particular, consists in choosing new criteria for the assessment of artistic significance of a piece of art. Most important is determination not only of formal-stylistic, but also iconographic specific character of the art that should be treated within versatile links including dramatic meaning of the creative process as well.
A.Morozov. River of Time. The International Art Exhibition "Victory". Central House of Artists, May 2005.
The exhibitions like this are not simply reviews of the achievements coincided with a certain date. They allow to reveal, record and assess changes that take place in our art at the boundary of the centuries, taking into account today's state of mind and public moods in new Russia.
A.Filinkova. The Artists of Sverdlovsk OGIZ in 1941 - 45.
During the war many central publishing houses moved to Sverdlovsk. United together under the name OGIZ they started publishing various books. The books were often printed on bad paper, there were other difficulties. Nevertheless book-covers and illustrations made by the artists are interesting not only as the documents of a certain period, but as pieces of art as well. Who were they, the artists of OGIZ of the war period?
M.Terekhovich. Sports Parade of 1945. From the History of the Ornamental-Decorative Art.
The author of the publication using the archive documents and press publications tries to restore the sports parade of 1945 at the Red Square and to analyze some peculiarities of this kind of ornamental-decorative art.
I.Lubennikov. New Mosaic in Moscow Underground Railway.
In May 2005 Moscow Underground ra8lway celebrated its 70th anniversary. Most of its interiors were made in cooperation of architects and artists. Cooperative work made the capital's underground unique among other similar railways in the world. This year at the famous "Mayakoskaya" station, constructed in 1938 by the project of A.N.Dushkin and decorated with mosaic created by A.A.Deineka, a new entrance will be opened. It has been decorated by Ivan Lubennikov, professor of Moscow Arts Institute named after Surikov.
From the House at Brestskaya.
M.Ozherelyeva. Patrimony Estate of Grand Dukes Baryatinsky.
Not known to public, neglected estate Zendikovo was constructed in the last quarter of the 18th century, at the period of a sharp rise in Russian estate arts. History has not preserved the name of the creator of this masterpiece in "palladian" style. And time did not spare beautiful estate complex.
M.Kesler, I.Kesler. Military Pride of Russia Imprinted in Memorable Places of Worship.
Our history was abound in wars for liberation of the native land . For a long time memorial churches, temples and monuments were constructed in Russia to commemorate the victories and the defenders.
Yu. Alonov, Z. Osipova. Orthodox Architecture. Traditions and Contemporaneity.
Personal Practice of Planning and Construction. What should the contemporary orthodox architecture be? How should the conservatism of perception of a worship building by the architect, the client and the parishioner be overcome? How should the tradition be preserved and contemporaneity of the building achieved? The answers to these questions were received by the authors of the publication, working in the field of the Russian orthodox architecture.
G.Shugaev. Multi-Faith Baku.
The capital of Azerbaydzhan has always been a multinational and multi-faith city. That’s why alongside with mosques there are orthodox , Lutheran, catholic, Gregorian churches and Jewish synagogues. The publication is devoted to several old and new worship buildings in Baku.
S.Gadzhieva. The Religious Architecture of the Left-Bank Caucasian Albania.
The ancient orthodox state - Caucasian Albania, situated in the north-west of the present Azerbaydzhan, has left lots of various buildings of the orthodox cult. At present these precious monuments have been dilapidated and their further state is very alarming.
K.Kurbanliev, R.Muradov. Contemporary Mosques of Turkmenistan.
Their construction has begun right after disintegration of the Soviet Empire. In 15 years of independence three main sources of mosques construction were identified in Turkmenistan. First of all these are the buildings constructed on the citizen’s donations, that often didn’t have any professional planning. The second source is the foreign donations. And the third one-the mosques built on the initiative of the president S.A.Niyazov.
M.Lobovskaya. Moscow Synagogues.
First synagogues in Moscow appeared only at the end of the 19th century. At present there are six synagogues in the city, four of which were constructed at the boundary of the 20th and 21st centuries. They all adequately present the architecture of multi-national and multi-faith Moscow.
L. Khachaturyan. The Armenian Temple on Poklonnaya Gora.
In accordance with the general planning of the area of Poklonnaya Gora it has been agreed to construct alongside with various faith worship buildings the Armenian temple. Its planning will be made by Mosproject-2 institute ( the head of the group - M.Posokhin, the architect - L.Khachaturyan).
The Red Catholic Church in Minsk.
This neo-gothic architectural monument with the traces of modernism has become one of the attractions of Minsk. The beautiful red-brick building was constructed in 1908-1910 by the architect T. Poyazdzersky with the participation of V. Markoni and G.Gay by the order of a rich landowner Edward Voinilivich and his wife Olimpia. Its construction was closely connected with the tragedy of Voinilovich family.
M.Sonne-Frederiksen. Modern Orthodox Churches in Oslo and Hannover.
The west-European architects feel more freedom while planning orthodox churches than their Russian colleaques, limited by the orthodox traditions and lack of experience in constructing religious buildings. One of the evidences - the orthodox churches constructed recently in Oslo and Hannover.
I.Voskresensky. Monastery Gardens.
The architecture of monasteries gave birth to new typologies that were afterwards developed into the trends. Their landscape architecture has become the prototype of open space in the cities, squares. arboretums, etc. Especially important role the monastery gardens have played in Russia. They were put as a basis of Russian landscape architecture and contributed to the development of profession of landscape architect.
K.Mescherinova. Monasteries and Temples of Tibet.
With the adoption of Buddhism construction of churches and monasteries has begun in Tibet. Sacral painting appeared not only as a part of a church interior but also as an element of landscape zones adjoining churches and other worship places.
T.Vlasova, Yu. Lositsky. Church Architecture of Radoslav Zhuk.
While choosing a publication for this issue from the former issues of ‘Architecture in the USSR’ magazine, we’ve decided to remind our readers about the exhibition ‘New Church Architecture of the Ukrainian Diaspora’ that was held in 1990 in Kiev. The exhibition included nine churches planned by the architect R.Zhuk.
The projects Awarded Aga-Khan Prize in the Field of Architecture.
Refurbishment of Al-Abbas Mosque in Yemen. Refurbishment of the mosque included reconstruction of the decorative design of the ceiling and a complicated structure repair using traditional materials. Announcing the verdict on the awarding the project with Aga-Khan prize the jury has particularly marked strict observance of modern scientific principles and criteria of restoration of historical religious buildings.
The International Art Salon as Special Kind of Exhibition Activity.
On the 18th of March the 8th International Art Salon ‘Environmental Space’ was opened in the Central Artists House in Moscow. Doctor of Arts, art critic V.Martynov shares his opinion about the exhibition, its growth and role in the development of modern art practice.
O.Kim, A.Zavyalova. Moscow Communal Flats.
At the Moscow international Art Salon ‘Environmental Space’ a series of photos under the name ‘Moscow Communal Flats’ from the archives of Workshop#17 of Mosproject-2 were exhibited .Especially interesting were the photos depicting old luxurious flats with the touch of Soviet mode of life.
M.Terekhovich, The Temple in Ulyanovka Settlement.
Since the 90th the monument artist N.Vdovkin has been involved in creation of the decorative patterns for orthodox churches. He sticks to the approach, used by ancient Russian artists, to the interrelation of a wall and a painting, directed to the conservation of its plane and revealing of the architectural peculiarities.
M.Ozherelyeva, Bykovo Locality Near Moscow- Let’s Imagine How It Was...
One more nobleman’s estate not far from Moscow. The masterpiece of Bazhenov and Kazakov. Its history has not been as tragic as of many other estates. But anyway we will never see the former beauty of the estate, we can only imagine it.
The Second International Scientific -Practical Conference-Exhibition
‘Unique and Special Technologies in Construction’ - UST Build 2005.
A.Lebedev. Market Passions or Minotaurus Maze.
We’ve already discussed in our magazine the necessity of the national Russian artistic concept that can be realizes in furniture and its design. We continue the discussion of the main problems that the Russian high-quality furniture manufacturers have.
Yu.Alekseev, T.Trofimova. Comprehensive Development of Five-Storied Apartment Blocks Built in 1959-1960.
Organizational and Methodological Aspects. What should be done with five-storied dwellings? The question is extremely important for all Russian cities. That’s why all aspect of it should be considered –managerial, planning and economic as well as the issue of the dwelling areas development.
A.Zhuravlev. The Dwelling Complex by the Vorontsovsky Pond in Moscow.
Among the elite buildings in Moscow the new dwelling complex located in the south-west of the capital – between Academicial Chelomey street and Vorontsovsky Pond street stands out for its original concept. The dwelling complex was built by the project developed in the workshop of V.V.Litvinov (head of the project –V.V.Litvinov, chief architects – S.Pavlov and V. Khakhalin).
A.Lisitsina. Country Estates of the Second Half of the 19th Century and the Beginning of the 20th Century in Trade –Industrial Villages of Nizhegorodsky Province.
Spirit of wealthy trade-industrial villages of the 19th -20th centuries, their traditional life-style was vividly reflected in the architecture of the estates, many of which have remained till nowadays. To begin with they impress by their diverse use. As a rule they combined the traditional type of dwelling with trade and industry.
V.Butusov, E.Kapustin. New Types of Dwellings for Future Construction after 1981.
Speaking about building and reconstruction of the dwellings nowadays we can’t forget how this was done in the nearest past – in the 70th of the last century. That’s why we decided to reprint the publication from Architecture in the USSR magazine in this issue.
N.Sargasyan. Perspectives of the Development of Yerevan.
The general layout for a city should be in conformity with the actual city development. Especially if the actual development has changed significantly within a short period of time, and it takes place in the capital of a new sovereign state. The publication touches the problems that the creators of the new general layout for Yerevan have met.
E.Baitenov. The Brick Style and the Modernist Style in Kazakhstan Memorials.
Central Asian architectural monuments of the 19th and 20th centuries were built under the active influence of both Eastern and Western cultures. The Russian brick style and the modernist style had peculiar influence upon them.
K.Yusupov. Heavenly Place in the City of Isfara.
While forming city environment in Tadzhikistan the local architects pay special attention to revealing the local peculiarities of architecture, its national features. This helps to construct new modern buildings that are in conformity with the environment and with spirit of the nation living in the region for many centuries. One of the examples of such architecture may be considered the trade-cultural center Orien that was not long ago constructed in Isfara.
New Buildings in Uzbekistan.
We are always pleased to introduce to our readers new interesting buildings constructed in the CIS. This issue introduces the buildings constructed lately in two Uzbekistan cities – Samarkand nd Yangiyul ( architerct – S.Kasatkina, engineer – N.Temruk, Uzshakharsozlik LITI).
S.Oskan. Cities: Big Fair of Architectural Ideas.
From the 3rd to the 7th of July the 22nd World Congress of the International Union of Architects will take place in Istanbul. The president of the Congress Sukha Oskan tells about the forthcoming event.
Projects Awarded with Aga Khan Prize. The Alexandria Library.
In the previous issue we already wrote about the ceremony of awarding the architects with Aga Khan prize. The ceremony was held in November last year in Deli (India). This publication is about one of the awarded projects – the Alexandria Library, constructed in Alexandria (Egypt).
G.Shilov. Classification of Radial Systems.
It’s commonly considered that the radial systems came into town-planning practice at the end of the 16th century. For the first time the system was implemented in Rome at the Del Popolo Square by the project of Domenico Fontana. But the way was paved by the theoretic works and practical examples that appeared in the 15th century.
S.Zavarikhin, M.Mamoshin. City and Architect. Philosophy of Interrelation.
We continue to present to our readers the new architecture of St-Petersburg and publish the record of the conversation with two well-known architects from St-Petersburg – Svetozar Pavlovich Zavarikhin and Mikhail Alexandrovich Mamoshin on specific features of St-Petersburg’s architectural development.
L.Ignatyeva. Architectural Reconstruction of the Palermo Stone.
The Palermo Stone – fragment of the stone chronicle containing the description of early Egyptian history is actually the only key to its chronology. However all attempts of the scientists to restore the chronicle were in vain. The author of the publication tried to reconstruct the idea and structure of the chronicle based on the architectural culture of Egypt in the times of pyramids. The result was above the expectations.
R.Efendizade. Master of Eastern Modernism.
This year there will be the100th anniversary of the outstanding Azerbaidzhan architect M.A.Useinov. The publication tells the story of life of the person, whose influence on the Azerbaidzhan architecture of the 20th century can’t be overestimated.
O.Maksimov, S.Demidov. The portrait of Master.
A year ago the Moscow Architectural Institute celebrated the 85th anniversary of professor S.V.Demidov, who worked at the Institute for more than half a century. In the issue we present graphic works of the famous architect.
I.Abel. City Epistles.
Fashion for graffity came to Russia almost half a century late. And now as we can see, there is no street or courtyard in Moscow without an inscription made by amateur artists.
A.Kryukov. MIBC «Moscow-City»: the architectural complex of a new type.
Considering the point of the business development and the municipal economy of a high value the organized construction of multifunctional business centers is a benefit for all the participants of the processes said above. First of all the large abandoned territories situated on the junction of the highways should be adopted for the needs of a business life of the City. For example the construction of the multifunctional high-rise complex, as an independent city which has began in the area of Krasnopresnenskaya embankment.
T.Semenova. The skyward architecture.
Only 150 years ago the world’s biggest cities couldn’t even dream about high-rises. The situation changed with the invention of a first steam elevator (1857) and the progress in the field of carcass construction, the main principles of which were developed only in 70s-80s of XIX century. Since that time the development of the cities went on not only horizontally but vertically as well, which often burst into vertiginous height.
O.Vorobyov. Skyscrapers of Chicago.
The American city of Chicago is known as a start of a construction of a building of a new type - the skyscraper. Exactly Chicago became a flying start of the skyscrapers all around biggest cities in USA, and later - the whole world. Though Chicago gave it’s first winning place to New York judging by quantity, Chicago managed to keep its own incomparable style in high-rise construction. What’s most importing - the city goes on growing upwards.
The architecture «beyond the skies» by Frank Williams.
The name of the American architect Frank Williams is well-known not only in US, but far away the boarders of this country, as his projects of the multi-storey buildings were built and are being built in many world’s largest cities. The main striking point about his own art signature is the ability to humanize the high-rises, and put them into the city convey in the most natural way.
M.Chernyak. The notes of the «light manipulator» or «The Light of the East».
Maria Chernyak, the chief art-master of the company called «Adline», has got 10 years of celebratory illumination and the architectural lightning of Moscow in her background. During eight years already Maria’s traveling to the South- East Asia, which posses childish perception of everything what’s new, modern, posses the true love to the different experiments , in the field of the lightning design as well. Maria decided to share her impressions with our readers about the recent visit to Hong Kong, Shanghai and Tokio.
A.Kosogov. The high-rise construction in USA.
We decided to publish the article from the magazine «Architecture of USSR» (#2,1974) as the continuation of our conversation about high-rise construction. The material was prepared by the results of the trip of the group of soviet specialists to USA made to study the American practice of high-rise construction.
The Aga Khan architectural award.
The ceremony of the announcement of the winners of the 9th Aga Khan award in the field of architecture (2002- 2004) was held in November 2004 in Delhi, India. As we were informed by the representatives of the Head Committee of the Award, 378 projects claimed for the award. 23 from all the project were inspected by the experts, afterwards the independent jury announced 7 winning project.
M. Sonne-Frederiksen. The best architectural projects of the FRG.
We continue intoducing the best architectural projects of the FRG. This time we gladly represent the project of the building of the archive of the administration of the excavating industry in Claustal-Celleffeld, which got the second annual award architectural muster in the Lower Saxon.
The stable values in the architecture of small towns.
The conference of the Architectural Council of the Countries of the Central and Eastern Europe. It’s a well-known fact that the head quarters of ACCEE was the capital of Belarus, and the functions of its president fulfilled the chairman of the Belarus Union of Architects - A.I. Korbut. That’s why Belarus became the place where the annual conference of the ACCEE was held, the main topic of which «The stable values in the architecture of small towns» had been suggested by the Belarus architects. It’s worth mentioning that in Belarus the State program of renewal of towns is working with a success.
E.Baitenov. The features of paradox in Kazakh mausoleums.
The weird elements carrying the hint of mystery attract attention in the Kazakh mausoleums. In the incomprehensible elements, which are seemed to be mysterious because of that, the ancient traditions and burring procedures, displaced by Islam are hidden.
E. Duisebai.
The social-cultural dynamics and the modern architecture.
How to overcome the fast displacement of the art characteristics of the mass culture under the conditions of the frequent changing of the value models of modern society? The author of the article considers that the problem could be partially solved by the usage of the principle of the constructional and technical moderation of the image of the object on different stages of project.
The conception of the preservation, the restoration and further usage of the Kazan Kremlin. The complex of the Kazan Kremlin was included into the List of the World Cultural Heritage of UNESCO in November 2000. In the connection with this fact,the conception of preservation, restoration and usage of this unique complex developed by the art group of the Union of Architects of the republic of Tatarstan created by the note of the Government of RF, is a program of a great interest.
The level of the master.
The draft to the portrait of the successful architect. The art energy freed from the grip of the socialism immediately created a phenomenon which could be defined as a successful architect. The major layer of which are the graduates of 80s. The flexibility and the wide professional mentality let them easily become a part of the fast changing architectural process. But among the successful the true leaders defined soon. Eugine Gerasimov is one of such leaders.
The sculptor Isa Mamedkhanov, Azerbaijan.
The professional way of the talented Azerbaijan sculptor Isa Mamedkhanov is noticeable for the row of art successes, the creation of the bright, unforgettable images. He is well-known as the author of the big range of memorials and memorial complexes built on the territory of Azerbaijan.
It’s not a problem for us to build a house.
Say not only the professionals do know that the real big life of a practically every building, living district, landscape park begins with its small, beautiful and precise copy -the model. There are not so many modelers and they are not much talked about. To fill this gap we decided to offer to your attention the interview with the managing directors of the Model art house of the House on Brestskaya - the couple Sergey and Galina Podiemshikovs.
A. Lebedev. How to learn not to step on the same rake.
Each process has got it’s own stages. Each single stage has got its problems. Say you decided to build a house or to arrange things in your new apartment. No wonder you will have to solve many questions at once. One of them is where to get worthy furniture and not to pay extra for the fake smiles of the sales people. Before solving the problem listen to the advice of the specialist.
From the meeting of the IAAU Steering committee
The regular meeting of the IAAU Steering committee was held in Kyrgyzstan’s capital, Bishkek, on 16-19 of august
year 2004. The award for the best construction of the year was established as a part of this event.
A. Alseitov, D. Omuraliev. Four components of the contemporary architecture of Kyrgyzstan
The Union of the architectures of Kyrgyzstan organized the Festival of architecture and construction and first for
the past 12 years independent Republican contest for the best construction project during the period from year 1991
to 2003 devoted to the 65th anniversary since the formation of the art union of the architectures of the republic.
The festival and the contest itself gave enormous material for the generalization and helped to analyze different
tendencies of the development of Kirghiz architecture.
D.Imankulov. The historical monuments of architecture in Bishkek.
The deep research of the objects of the culture heritage was carried on during the formation of the historicalarchitecture
plan as a part of the general city-plan of Bishkek. There are approximately 312 monuments of archeology,
history, architecture, landscape architecture and etc. The question of their protection is extremely important
considering the up-coming reconstruction of the city centre.
D.Imankulov. The preservation of the medieval bath in Osh.
The ancient Kyrghiz town Osh saved the remainders of the various buildings, which belonged to different time
periods. The ruins of the medieval bath, monument of culture of X-XV century, were discovered here in 1984.
Kyrghiz specialists created the project of preservation of the bath, which needs to be brought to life urgently,
because the preservation has already lost some parts of its construction due to the protracted excavations.
A.Nasirdinova. The Kyrghiz stone gardens.
The Kyrghiz stone gardens, which existed during 10-20 centuries, are undeserved forgotten, though the memory of
the nation still keeps the worship of them. The reconstruction and the renovation of the historical landscapes of
Kyrgyzstan would have great social, cultural and economical effect.
E.Pisarskiy, V. Kurbatov. Steps in future
This article was prepared to the 50th anniversary of Soviet Kirghizia and published in one of the old issues of
«Arkhitektura SSSR» (the soviet architecture). The story about the past, the present and the future of Kyrghiz
architecture from the point of view of 70’s contemporaries is interesting nowadays, as it tells about one of the
most important periods in its development.
B.Nelyubin. Why is the society indifferent to the architecture?
20th-30th years of the past century, not so ago measuring by the standards of history, but it was all about architecture.
Nowadays an attitude towards architecture is almost indifferent in Russian society. On the one hand that’s
happened because Russian people were accustomed deliberately to the standard architecture of the boring industrial
style. On the other hand the situation is defined by the market, where the order goes through all, not always honest
A.Buhantseva. Social architecture: the complex approach.
The first Russian village-SOS for the abandon children were built in 1996 in Tomilino, near Moscow, on the
expenses of the society of friends of children’s villages. There are 11 family houses in the village; where in each
housing unit 77 children of age 2 to 16 live. A bit later villages of the same type appeared in Lavrovo near Orel,
in Pushkin near St.-Petersburg, in Kandalaksha in Murmanskaya oblast. There’s a project of the village-SOS to be
established in Moscow district Butovo.
T.Karakova. Town-planning and a migration attractiveness of a territory.
Current, worldwide processes of the disurbanization, the high significance of the service facilities in town-planning,
the orientation on the urban reconstruction contrast with the growing tendency of the Russian urbanization,
the active migration of the population to the biggest cities and the industrial centers. What could be done
to coordinate the process?
E.Duydebay. Town-planning adaptation of the public buildings and constructions.
Dynamics of development of modern city reflects naturally on principles of arrangement public buildings and
construction. Considering this fact, architecture principles of the organization of the space in public constructions
should combine high dimensions and speed of our modern time.
A.Kopiy. Membrane covering in modern architecture.
Today membrane covering competes with traditional, and beats them on a lot of items. The wide volume and
space resources of such covering material open a terrific prospect for the development of the architecture of
V.Kazakov. Was the mathematician Fibonacci right?
The name of the Italian mathematician Leonardo Fibonacci, the author of the book about abacus (1202) is usually
recollected nowadays in connection with the consecutive row of figures 1,2,3,5,8,,13,21,34,55,89......., which
Leonardo da Vinci called «the golden section». The author of the articles tries to prove the mistakable significance
of the figures by Fibonacci and the delusion of great Leonardo.
S.Zavarihin. The architect.
Those architects who worked in the period of 1960s passed through a lot of trials: from the monotony of the
standard construction to the «free market». But nevertheless few of them managed to survive under such conditions.
Mark Reinberg is one among them, the recognized foreman, who became a part of this contradictive
epoch of the freedom of art.
R.Trevosyan. The green tree. Andrei Voznesenskiy.
There was a time when the professor of the Moscow State University of Architecture, Leonid Pavlov taught
Andrei Voznesenskiy the theory of architecture, but he occurred to teach versification, without a single day of a
special training Voznesenskiy became a poet
The railway terminal main building in Minsk,
V. Kramarenko, architect
The republican architectural competition, carried out in 1992 forewent designing and building of the railway terminal main building in Minsk. The winners were Victor Kramarenko and Michael Vinogradov, architects of the Minsk Architectural Project Institute. The authors were awarded International Architecture Academy Certification, Grand Prize of the Republican Architecture Festival and the silver of the International review-competition for the best architecture achievements in Sophia (2003).
The hospitable face of Baku
The railway station in Baku became the pure pearl of the Transcaucasian railway Baku part, inaugurated in 1883 \: essentially differs from the rest not only by front walls and interior architectural design, but the nature and construction scope. The station building was designed for two levels: it should be two-storied from city side and single-store from the platform. The planning bases on classic layout: the central entrance hall and intermediate group
- collateral lines and flanking risalita. The principal front is based on classical composition methods, its structure is expressed by orient architecture tools.
Stations by Vadim Batirev
Vadim Batirev - an author of tens of the architect projects, participant & winner of numerous contests, gain great creative experience in construction of Stations. All his projects are remarkable. A station in Samarkand, build by his project, where the author succeed in using of the emotional potential of the historic architecture & bring it with new effect. Great professionalism & capability to press author self-conceit in favor of the context of the project, were in full measure shown during reconstruction & development of the Kazanskiy station in Moscow - the work of the author during 20 years.
The principal railway terminal in center of Warsaw,
E. Vasiliev, architect
The principal railway terminal of Warsaw was appreciably reconstructed and enlarged in a last quarter of the XX century (A. Romanovich, P. Shimanjak, architects). New railway terminal accommodates 4000 of passengers and blends with all town-planning system, but it is the independent character. It has no ordinary dimensional planning and functional design: main components are vertical above railway tracks. Huge construction has rectangular contour and it is more than 230 thousand cubic meters, it elevates more than 20 meters above surrounding area (parking, public transport zone). The main terminal space are located on three stores.
Accomplishments of the “three railway stations” square.
Three railway stations: Leningradskiy, Jaroslavskiy & Kazanskiy are situated on the Komsomolskaya square
- the most "railway" square of Moscow. Last year, a great landscape ensemble with a monument to the first
railway minister Melnikov, was build there (arch. V. Pasenko, scuipt. S. Shcherbakov).
"River gates"
D. Vasilchenko, chief landscape architect & designer of the North-West & Zelenogradskiy district of Moscow.
"River gates" - the ports with riverboat stations, are one of the most important town-planning elements for
the cities located on the navigable waterways. But because of the advance of more speed & even cheap modes
of transport, these objects became of the secondary importance in the general town planning schemes. But recently
such decisions seem shortsighted.
The "Baltic" rushes the Russian capital
Tunnel part of highway Moscow-Riga New highway Moscow-Riga (The "Baltic") reached Moscow ring road in 1995. Further the route should had gone through nature-conservative complexes in Serebrjany Bor and Krylatskoe boroughs. However the highway building was interrupted over the real danger of environmental disaster. High technology and newest equipment appeared at the last years at the disposal of Moscow building complex get an opportunity to continue the route through the city territory. Now highway is constructed by cutting-through of a tunnel at great depth without damaging of a environment and landscape.
Water transport stations,
J. Kornsheld
The revival of the Russian river-boat stations and marine passenger terminals becomes increasingly important today
Many of the such objects were built as long ago as the first part of the last century. How architects of that times
solved problems concerned with water transport it is narrated at an article "Water transport stations"
of J. Kornsheld, published at 1934 in "Architecture of USSR".
Architecture of Kazakhstan on age boundary,
K. Samoilov, candidate of architecture
The processes going in independent states of former Soviet Union became a serious survival exam for specialists of many fields. Architects should passed this exam too. The problems they faced are typical as for all former USSR states as Kazakhstan Republic
Architectural reconstruction of Tashkent hotels.
Ê Ubaidullaev, N. Khudaiberganova, Tashkent Institute of Architecture and building
As a result of development of international contacts and tourism in the capital of Uzbekistan Tashkent there are placed high emphasis on building of new hotels and reconstruction the existent ones. First of all the reconstruction projects deal with such Tashkent hotels as HOTEL DEDEMAN SILKROAD, SUNSHINE-TURON INTERNATIONAL LTD, CROWN HOTEL MIR, LE MERIDIEN TASHKENT PALACE HOTEL, due to that advantageous location
Brazilian meeting
I. Voskresenskiy
The Russian architects Delegation visit to Brasilia was planned a long time ago. The last meeting gave an opportunity to discover the experience to Brazilian colleagues, to arrange more closed professional contacts. It was very interesting to have acquaintance with native landscape architecture and nature of the country. But perhaps, the very important, the most attractive was the chance to meet the Brazilian architecture patriarchy Oscar Nimeir, the most influential architect of the sixties.
Architect Alex Vorontsov
G. Shugaev
Biography of mature architect it is his edifices. From this point of view architect Alex Vorontsov biography is reach and diverse. According to his projects there are erected scores of buildings and constructions in Moscow. And every has become a outstanding event in architectonic life of the capital, taken an active part in forming of its appearance.
Architect today.
A.Guravlev, architect
There were many useful positions in the federal statute "About the architectonic activity in the Russian Federation", for example - a requirement of a contest on working out of the most important town-planning objects, or the necessity of state licensing of the architectonic activity by the federal authority in co-operation with social all-Russian professional & creative union of architects. But now many of them are repealed, in particular, the last one. A. Guravlev - candidate of the architectonic science & honoured architect of the Russia, considers that
repealed positions must be restored & toughened.
Instant of truth.
For the Mariinsk Theatre reconstruction competition results. 0. Ustin, candidate of fine art The Mariinsk Theatre reconstruction competition results visually demonstrate principal divergence of opinions on architectonic art of participants. Projects of Pragmatists revealed logically relevant, reality based architectonic image. Conceptualists showed pure speculative fancy, based on intuitive surmises about future architecture. This time, the competition winners have become the "Romantic Conceptualists". But what will be tomorrow?
Project winner: Northern German land-bank building in Gannover.
M. Zonne-Federicsen, architect
Since 1976 German Architects Union has regularly organized review-competitions for the best design-construction, resulted every three year all over the Germany. There were 72 projects presented for the architectonic competition in Saxony. Independent jury had rewarded 4 main and 6 encouraging prizes. Architectonic bureau Behnisch & Partner from Stuttgart had wined Grand prix due to project of Northern German land-bank building in Gannover.
Hans Holljan: “Believe in future”
Hans Holljan really is the citizen of the world. Buildings designed by Austrian embellish first-rate cities of Europe, Asia and America. He is generally recognized also as painter and designer. All master creation is signed by professionalism of a high order.
Flying of Vladimir Gluhov
R. Tevosjan
Vladimir Gluhov was born 27th February 1937 in Kazakhstan, in piscatorial town Aralsk. He grew up on a coast among wilderness. Vladimir began to paint when he was á years old. And since that time eternally inconstant sea, desert mirages, winds and the sun had drawn him out into infinite conversation with nature.
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